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Drill Pipes
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Drill Pipes


Drill pipes, as a part of OCTG(oil country tubular goods) are essential components in the drilling process for oil and gas exploration and extraction. They serve as conduits for drilling fluids, house the drilling bit, and provide a means for transmitting rotational torque and axial force to the drill bit. The application of drill pipes is primarily in the drilling of boreholes, including oil and gas wells, geothermal wells, and water wells.

Application of Drill Pipes

Supply Range Of Drill Pipes

Specification For Drill Pipe: API SPEC 5DP, API 7-2, RP7G

Grade: E75, X95, G105, S135, V150


Application: For exploration and development of oil and gas wells

Sizes: O.D.: 2 3/8’’-6 5/8’’

Length: R1, R2, R3

Tool Joints:

-External Upset: NC26, NC38, NC46, NC50,etc.

-Internal External Upset: NC50,5 1/2FH, 6 5/8FH,etc.

Internal Coating: DPC, TC2000, TK-34, TK-34P,TK-34XT,etc.

Hard Banding: ARNCO 100XT,ARNCO 300XT,BOTN 1000, BOTN 3000,etc.

Other Types Of Drill Pipe: Heavy weight drill pipe, Drill collars

Supply Range of Drill Pipes

Mechanical Properties Of API 5DP Drill Pipe








Charpy Impact






min min min





ft-Ib (J)


Group 1


75 (517)

105 (724)

100 (689)

API formula

32 (43)


Group 3


95 (655)

125 (862)

105 (724)

API formula

32 (43)



105 (724)

135 (931)

115 (793)

API formula

32 (43)



135 (931)



API formula

32 (43)

Label Pipe Body OD Pipe Thickness Welding Neck Joint OD External Thread OD Rorate Shoulder End Diameter Estiate Weight
Label1 Label2 Grade Upset Shoulder
Ddp t D D dp Df
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg/m

12.50 maX ±0.8 -0.4 ±0.4 Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14
4 14
lU NC40 101.6 8.38 106.4 133.4 71.4 127.4 22.42
4 14 X,D TU NC40 101.6 8.38 106.4 133.4 68.3 127.4 22.76
4 14 G,F IU NC40 101.6 8.38 106.4 139.7 61.9 127.4 23.61
4 14 S,V,U lU NC40 101.6 8.38 106.4 139.7 50.8 127.4 24.03
4 15.7 G,F 1U NC40 101.6 9.65 106.4 139.7 61.9 127.4 26.07
4 1/2 13.75 E 1U NC46 114.3 6.88 119.1 152.4 85.7 45.26 22.5
2 3/8 6.65
EU NC26 60.32 7.11 65.1 85.7 44.5 82.95 10.45
2 3/8 6.65 X,G,D,F EU NC26 60.32 7.11 65.1 85.7 44.5 82.95 10.58
2 7/8 10.4
EU NC31 73.02 9.19 81 104.8 54 100.41 16.25
2 7/8 10.4 X,G,D,F EU NC31 73.02 9.19 81 104.8 50.8 100.41 16.5
2 7/8 10.4 S,V,U EU NC31 73.02 9.19 81 111.1 41.3 100.41 17.19
3 1/2 9.5
EU NC38 88.9 6.45 98.4 120.7 68.3 116.28 15.77
3 1/2 13.3
EU NC38 88.9 9.35 98.4 120.7 68.3 116.28 20.77
3 1/2 13.3 X,D EU NC38 88.9 9.35 98.4 127 65.1 116.28 21.76
3 1/2 13.3 G,F EU NC38 88.9 9.35 98.4 127 61.9 116.28 21.9
3 1/2 13.3 S,V,U EU NC38 88.9 9.35 98.4 127 54 116.28 22.22
3 1/2 15.5
EU NC38 88.9 11.4 98.4 127 65.1 16.28 24.67
3 1/2 15.5 X,D EU NC38 88.9 11.4 98.4 127 61.9 16.28 25.07
3 1/2 15.5 G,F EU NC38 88.9 11.4 98.4 127 54 116.28 25.38
3 1/2 5. S,V,U EU NC40 88.9 11.4 98.4 139.7 57.2 127.4 26.19
4 14
EU NC46 101.6 8.38 114.3 152.4 82.6 145.26 23.67
4 14 X,G,D,F EU NC46 101.6 8.38 114.3 152.4 82.6 145.26 24.12
4 14 S,V,U EU NC46 101.6 8.38 114.3 152.4 76.2 145.26 24.46
4 1/2 13.75 E EU NC50 114.3 6.88 127 168.3 95.3 153.99 23.65
4 1/2 16.6
EU NC50 114.3 8.56 127 168.3 95.3 53.99 27.51
4 1/2 16.6 X,G,D,F EU NC50 114.3 8.56 127 168.3 95.3 153.99 28.07
4 1/2 16.6 S,V,U EU NC50 114.3 8.56 127 168.3 88.9 153.99 28.47
4 1/2 20 E EU NC50 114.3 10.92 127 168.3 92.1 153.99 32.93
4 1/2 20 X,G,D,F EU NC50 114.3 10.92 127 168.3 88.9 53.99 33.63
4 1/2 20 S,V,U EU NC50 114.3 10.92 127 168.3 76.2 153.99 34.34
4 1/2 16.6
IEU NC46 114.3 8.56 119.1 158.8 82.6 145.26 27.36
4 1/2 16.6 X,G,D,F IEU NC46 114.3 8.56 119.1 158.8 76.2 45.26 27.73
4 1/2 16.6 S,V,U IEU NC46 114.3 8.56 119.1 158.8 69.9 45.26 28.04
4 1/2 20 E IEU NC46 114.3 10.92 119.1 158.8 76.2 45.26 32.94
4 1/2 20 X,D IEU NC46 114.3 10.92 119.1 158.8 69.9 45.26 69
4 1/2 20 G,F [EU NC46 114.3 10.92 119  1 158.8 63 5 45.26 33.97
4 1/2 20 S,V,U IEU NC46 114.
57 45.26 34.23
5 19.5
IEU NC50 127 9.19 130.2 168.3 95.3 53.99 31.79
5 19.5 X,D IEU NC50 127 9.19 130.2 168.3 88.9 53.99 32.58
5 19.5 G,F IEU NC50 127 9.19 130.2 168.3 82.6 53.99 32.95
5 19.5 S,V,U IEU NC50 127 9.19 130.2 168.3 69.9 53.99 33.6
5 19.5 E IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 9.19 130.2 177.8 95.3 170.66 33.22
5 9 5 G.D.F IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 9.19 130 2 177.8 95.3 70.66 33.61
5 19.5 S,V,U I EU 5 1/2 FH 127 9.19 130.2 184.2 88.9 170.66 34.89
5 25.6
IEU NC50 127 12.7 30.2 168.3 88.9 53.99 40.73
5 25.6 X,D IEU NC50 127 12.7 130.2 168.3 76.2 53.99 41.8
5 25.6 G,F IEU NC50 127 12.7 130.2 168.3 69.9 53.99 42.11
E IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 12.7 130.2 177.8 88.9 170.66 42.14
5 25.6 X,D IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 12.7 130.2 177.8 88.9 170.66 42.51
5 25.6 G,F IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 12.7 130.2 184.2 88.9 170.66 43.35
5 25.6 S,V,U IEU 5 1/2 FH 127 12.7 130.2 184.2 82.6 170.66 43.75
5 1/2 21.9 E IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7 9.17 144.5 177.8 101.6 170.66 35.43
5 1/2 21.9 X,D IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7 9.17 144.5 177.8 95.3 170.66 36.36
5 1/2 21.9 G,F IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7
144.5 184.2 88.9 170.66 37.61
5 1/2 21.9 s,V,U IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7 9.17 44.5 190.5 76.2 80.18 39.27
5 1/2 24.7
IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7 10.54 144.5 177.8 101.6 170.66 39.19
5 1/2 24.7 X.G.D.F IEU 5 1/2 FH 39.7 10.54 144.5 184.2 88.9 70.66 41.32
5 1/2 24.7 S,V,U IEU 5 1/2 FH 139.7 10.54 144.5 190.5 76.2 180.18 42.97
5 7/8 23.4 S,V,U IEU 5 1/2 FH 149.22 9.17 152.4 184.15 76.2 170.66 40.01
5.875 26.3 S,V,U IEU 5 1/2 FH 149.22 10.54 152.4 190.5 82.55 180.19 44.49
6 5/8 25.2
IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 8.38 176.2 203.2 127 195.66 41.03
6.625 25.2 X,D IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 8.38 176.2 203.2 127 195.66 41.03
6 5/8 25.2 G.F IE 6 5/8FH 168.28 8.38 176.2 209.6 120.7 195.66 42.6
6.625 25.2 S,V,U IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 8.38 176.2 215.9 108 195.66 44.73
6 5/8 27.7
IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 9.19 176.2 203.2 127 195.66 43.79
6.625 27.7 X,G,D,F IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 9.19 176.2 209.6 120.7 195.66 45.35
6.625 27.7 S,V,U IEU 6 5/8FH 168.28 9.19 176.2 215.9 108 195.66 47.48
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